Composing Services with Bit Components

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Building composable applications: microservices and different independent components

Eden Ella

Bits and Pieces

The advantages of microservices tin mostly beryllium categorized into 2 groups: technological and human-centric. Within nan human-centric category, nan benefits subordinate to really we activity and collaborate.

Teams moving connected microservices person afloat ownership complete parts of nan system. They tin activity independently, take their ain stack, and deploy their services independently and successful parallel to different teams.

In summation to that, though microservices arsenic a strategy tin go much complex, individual services are simpler and easier to understand and maintain.

This benignant of “reverse Conway’s Law,” wherever nan system’s architecture influences nan organization’s structure, is simply a cardinal use of microservices recovered successful each different distributed system.

How tin we make our strategy much distributed and composable to get much of nan aforesaid benefits?

In this article, we’ll look astatine Bit arsenic a instrumentality that allows america to constitute systems from independent components of each levels of granularity, from elemental inferior functions to microservices and, ultimately, to full systems.

We’ll spot really Bit components tin beryllium shared and reused crossed microservices, really microservices tin beryllium maintained arsenic Bit components, and really they tin beryllium composed successful runtime utilizing an API gateway component.

To amended understand really Bit tin beryllium utilized to constitute microservices, let’s commencement by creating a caller workspace pinch a fewer Bit components:

bit caller respond my-project --env bitdev.react/react-env --default-scope my-project

Your caller workspace has 7 components. Run spot commencement to research your components utilizing Bit’s UI:

To tally nan system, run:

bit tally my-project

The output should database respective different processes listening connected different ports. Two microservices, discussion-server and user-server , an API gateway, and a frontend application:

[discussions-server]: moving connected larboard 5003
[user-server]: moving connected larboard 5002
[HPM] Proxy created: / -> http://localhost:5002/graphql
[HPM] Proxy rewrite norm created: "/user-server/" ~> "/"
[HPM] Proxy created: / -> http://localhost:5003/graphql
[HPM] Proxy rewrite norm created: "/discussions-server/" ~> "/"
backend server moving connected 5001
frontend server moving connected 3001

This runtime creation of different services, some locally and remotely, is done utilizing nan platform component. It is different Bit constituent whose domiciled is to service arsenic nan introduction constituent for this system:

import { Platform } from '@bitdev/platforms.platform';

const UserServer = import.meta.resolve('@bitdev/node.examples.user-server');
const DiscussionServer = import.meta.resolve('@my-org/discussions.discussions-server');
const AcmeWeb = import.meta.resolve('@my-org/');
const PlatformGateway = import.meta.resolve('@bitdev/symphony.backends.gateway-server');

export const MyPlatformProjectPlatform = Platform.from({
name: 'my-platform-project-platform',

frontends: {
/** main frontend exertion for nan level */
main: AcmeWeb,

backends: {
* usage an api gateway component.
* supports proxy of graphql and restful requests.
main: PlatformGateway,
services: [
/** constitute micro-service components. */

Note that not each Bit components request to beryllium maintained locally. A creation of services tin see distant services that are not disposable locally. This is tremendously adjuvant for section and distant testing of services successful nan discourse of nan full system.

To study more, see:

Also, statement that nan API Gateway tin beryllium implemented successful immoderate measurement suits your needs. To research nan 1 utilized by this example, see:

One point that is instantly evident erstwhile reviewing nan Bit components successful your workspace is conscionable really different they tin be. UI and non-UI, Node and React, mini and large.

However, successful nan discourse of this article, nan astir important favoritism is whether they are “app components” aliases not. App components are components that are disposable for depletion successful build-time, arsenic Node packages, conscionable for illustration “regular” Bit components but are besides deployable and disposable for runtime compositions.

For example, our discussion-server Bit constituent runs arsenic a abstracted process. Looking astatine its implementation, we tin find 1 record that sets it isolated from different componetns, nan .bit-app.ts file:

/** @filename: discussion-server.bit-app.ts */

import { NodeApp } from '@bitdev/node.node-app';

export default NodeApp.from({
name: 'discussions-server',
artifactName: 'discussion-service',
mainPath: import.meta.resolve('./'),
* an optional deploy usability for this app constituent -
* to beryllium executed erstwhile a caller type of this compoennt is released
// deploy: () => {}

With Bit components, you’re ever building and delivering independently.

You tin bask nan benefits of a composable and distributable system, sloppy of really (and when) components are being integrated. This gives you nan state to conception a strategy that perfectly balances your quality aliases organizational needs pinch technological requirements.

For example, you mightiness want much than 1 squad to support different aspects of a microservice. You tin divided nan microservice into respective microservices, but that’s not ever nan champion solution erstwhile taking into information your system’s performance. It mightiness beryllium that build-time integration of independently delivered Bit componetns is simply a amended choice.

A symmetry betwixt limitations successful dev and prod

One use of this style of creation of Bit components is that it provides you pinch a clear dependency chart that includes components composed successful runtime. This tin beryllium tremendously adjuvant successful knowing analyzable systems and successful maintaining them.

As mentioned earlier, pinch Bit your system’s creation is simply a hybrid of services integrated successful runtime and packages integrated successful build time. Zooming retired a spot further will uncover immoderate of nan Bit components utilized to constitute this services:

Reusing Bit components: faster improvement and amended standardization

Bit components tin beryllium maintained, released, and installed from immoderate project. That makes them an fantabulous instrumentality for reusing codification and standardizing nan improvement process crossed abstracted projects.

The ‘discussion’ entity constituent arsenic an example

For example, your workspace has an entity component called discussion. The discussioncomponent provides nan information modeling and a group of operations that tin beryllium utilized by immoderate microservice aliases frontend exertion that handles chat information wrong your system.

It is simply a statement betwixt services that outlines nan building and rules of engagement for discussions, ensuring consistency and reducing nan plagiarism of effort erstwhile processing caller features that interact pinch discussions.

Furthermore, by utilizing Bit’s versioning system, developers tin easy upgrade to caller versions of nan chat constituent arsenic it evolves while maintaining compatibility crossed nan services that dangle connected it.