Top 4 Tools for Developing APIs

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What should you usage to build your API? Application Composer, Swagger, Postman aliases REST-Assured


Bits and Pieces

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are nan backbone of building businesslike and scalable package systems.

Simply put, an API is simply a modular constituent that helps you streamline intra-app/inter-app communication.

Thus, selecting nan correct devices for processing your APIs tin beryllium a captious task that straight impacts nan wide occurrence and productivity of your full project.

Therefore this article will beryllium talk 4 devices that you tin usage to develop, negociate and deploy your API while covering their cardinal features, pros and cons truthful that you person each nan accusation that you request to prime nan correct instrumentality for nan job.

1. AWS Application Composer

AWS Application Composer is simply a no-code instrumentality for modern API designing. It lets you creation an API successful nether 2 minutes. Check retired nan fig below:

Application Composes provides you pinch a blank canvas wherever you tin resistance and driblet components from complete 1000 services specified arsenic DynamoDB, Lambda, SNS, SQS, Cognito, API Gateway, S3 and more. Next, you tin link your services utilizing nan canvas to thief them pass pinch each other.

Behind nan scenes, Application Composer manages a CloudFormation template that manages everything you do connected nan canvas. So each you person to do is, return that template and deploy it done nan SAM CLI and it’ll proviso your infrastructure successful nan unreality successful nether 5 minutes.


  • Simplifies nan full API creation and improvement process pinch nan ocular interface. That, successful turn, makes AWS Application Composer easy accessible for developers of each accomplishment levels.
  • Seamless integration into nan AWS ecosystem.
  • The generated templates travel improvement champion practices.


  • Developers request to person knowledge of AWS SAM for deployments.
  • The work tin look to beryllium limiting for applications that require a higher level of customization, but it tin besides beryllium overkill for elemental API projects.

2. Swagger

Swagger is undoubtedly a cardinal archiving instrumentality for APIs, celebrated and wide utilized wrong nan package industry. It is simply a powerful instrumentality that helps you design, develop, and archive RESTful APIs and is an integral portion of nan OpenAPI Specification.

Its cardinal characteristic that has garnered nan attraction of developers worldwide is its exceptional capacity of generating interactive API archiving that allows developers and users to understand and trial nan API endpoints straight from nan browser.

The robust postulation of devices Swagger provides caters to various aspects of building and managing APIs, making it guidelines retired arsenic a reliable instrumentality for creating clear, interactive, and scalable API interfaces. Some examples of specified devices see Swagger Editor, Swagger Codegen, and Swagger UI for various requirements specified arsenic designing, building, consuming, and documenting, respectively, erstwhile dealing pinch APIs.

// sample Swagger configuration

const swaggerJsdoc = require('swagger-jsdoc');

const options = {
definition: {
openapi: '3.0.0', // Specification (optional, defaults to swagger: '2.0')
info: {
title: 'Hello World', // Title (required)
version: '1.0.0', // Version (required)
description: 'A sample API', // Description (optional)
apis: ['./routes/*.js'], // Path to nan API docs

const swaggerSpec = swaggerJsdoc(options);

module.exports = swaggerSpec;


  • Supports aggregate programming languages and frameworks, making it highly adaptable and usable crossed divers improvement environments.
  • Lightweight and highly flexible.
  • Reliable and person a immense organization of developers utilizing it.


  • There is constricted support for SOAP APIs.
  • Beginners whitethorn find nan Swagger learning curve steep.

3. Postman

Postman has go an indispensable instrumentality erstwhile it comes to processing APIs complete nan past fewer years. It is simply a instrumentality that is mostly known and utilized for nan purposes of testing APIs and redeeming responses, but it is simply a highly versatile instrumentality that supports integration testing, API script testing, information visualization, and reference and workflow documentation.

Postman helps streamline nan full API improvement life rhythm pinch its toolset, enabling some novice and knowledgeable developers to heighten their productivity and collaboration. The easiness of usage and nan adaptability Postman provides person made it a go-to situation for API-related tasks, from elemental manual testing to analyzable API trial automation. Below is simply a elemental objection of really a trial book has been written to trial nan unfastened upwind API.

pm.test("Status codification is 200", usability () {;

pm.test("Response has nan correct structure", usability () {

You tin find an full postulation of API tests pinch Postman, here.


  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Powerful testing capabilities, including support for penning analyzable automated tests.
  • Allows squad collaboration.
  • Supports a wide array of HTTP methods, parameters, and headers and supports businesslike request-response management.
  • Allows developers to simulate API endpoints and responses pinch mock server functionality.


  • The magnitude of features and their complexity tin sometimes overwhelm caller users.
  • It tin beryllium somewhat memory-intensive resulting successful slower capacity successful immoderate computers.
  • Limited browser support.

4. REST-assured

REST-assured is simply a JAVA DSL (Domain Specific Language) that simplifies testing and validating RESTful web services. It useful good pinch moreover analyzable JSON structures and has nan capacity of fetching basal information from almost immoderate portion of nan responses and nan requests. In a clip wherever automating API testing is becoming essential, REST-assured undoubtedly becomes a apical campaigner for a solution fixed its capabilities to constitute powerful, maintainable, and highly understandable API tests.

It uses a fluent, and highly readable syntax that comprises keywords specified arsenic Given(), Method(), Then(), and When() to group up nan trial scenario, walk basal parameters, and specify nan expected behavior. For instance, fixed beneath is simply a elemental objection of an lawsuit wherever REST-assured is utilized to validate nan position codification and nan contented of nan consequence of an HTTP GET request.

import fixed io.restassured.RestAssured.*;
import fixed org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;

.body("message", equalTo("Hello, World!"));


  • Has support for each modular HTTP petition types including POST, GET, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS, and DELETE.
  • Allows mounting up petition specifications specified arsenic authentication specifications that you tin reuse crossed aggregate tests.
  • Supports JSON and XML consequence types.
  • Can beryllium integrated good pinch Maven. Supports integration pinch Java testing frameworks specified arsenic TestNG and JUnit.


  • Do not person definitive support for SOAP APIs.
  • Requires knowledge and familiarity pinch Java and BDD framework.
  • This whitethorn consequence successful capacity overhead pinch analyzable and ample tests.

The scenery of API devices for designing, development, testing, and deployment is rich | and varying, and it caters to a wide array of requirements and preferences successful nan domain of package development.

Therefore, it’s important that you understand really each instrumentality useful and for what intent it’s utilized for. So, I urge creating POC’s utilizing each instrumentality to measure your needs earlier proceeding pinch nan instrumentality of your choice.

I dream you find this article helpful.

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